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Tuffley shop closure

We have said a sad farewell to our Tuffley shop in Homeleigh Parade, which has now closed after having been part of the community for many years.

Laura Owen, Head of Retail commented:

“After careful consideration and agreement from the Board of Trustees, we have made the difficult decision to close the Tuffley shop.

The closure of some other local key businesses over the last few years has impacted the footfall of the parade, which has sadly resulted in the shop no longer remaining profitable.

A huge thanks to our wonderful donors who have provided the shop with some amazing donations over the years, to our loyal community of customers, and to the staff and volunteers who have played a part in the shop’s legacy.”

Shop staff have been offered roles in other shops and volunteers have been encouraged to join nearby stores. The nearest shops will now be Gloucester City Centre, Northgate Street or Painswick.

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