Trusts and Major Gifts

Grants from charitable Trusts and Foundations as well as Gifts received are key to keeping Longfield Community Hospice and the services that we provide running – we couldn’t provide the care we do without your support. 

For a copy of our most recent annual report please click here.

Trusts and Foundations

We are lucky that so many different Trusts and Foundations, both local and national, have chosen to help us. Their grants help us care for patients and families, in their own homes and at our Wellbeing Centre. Each grant, no matter the size, means a great deal to us.

Current Support

Recently, grants have helped us to:

  • Provide Hospice at Home daytime and night care for patients at end of life
  • Support bereaved adults  after the loss of their loved ones
  • Provide practical support to family and unpaid carers
  • Purchase specialist equipment for Day Therapy and Hospice Outpatients.
  • Support the salary of a Creative Therapist
  • Purchase extra PPE
  • Buy hospice laptops including for new virtual care

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Trusts and Foundations who have supported Longfield Community Hospice for their generous support.



Get in touch

If you are aware of any Trust or Foundation (big or small) that might be willing to support our services in the following areas then please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Healthcare
  • Palliative Care
  • Families and Carers
  • Communities
  • Elderly people
  • Social work and welfare
  • Arts therapies
  • Spiritual care
  • Volunteer services
  • Transport
  • Capital funding

Email Annie Gould, our Trust Fundraiser, [email protected] or call her on 01453 886868 to find out more, or arrange a meeting.

We welcome the opportunity to show our appreciation, with the agreement of the trusts that support us. Please contact Annie Gould if your trust would like to be acknowledged on our website.



Major Gifts

If you are considering donating a major gift to Longfield Hospice, we will work with you to determine how best you would like to support the hospice. It may be that you have a particular interest in the delivery of care services, education and learning or perhaps have a passion for technology and innovation. We work closely with you to align your interests with the needs of Longfield.

We will work with you to explain our organisational needs and to understand your individual needs as a donor. We understand that some donors would like to give anonymously, whereas others may wish to meet the team and be more actively involved, we’re here to ensure your wishes are met.

It may be that you are happy to fund vital running costs or perhaps you would prefer to fund a specific project or even a salary of a key member of the team. We will discuss our future strategy and your vision of how you would like to invest your donation.

Whether you wish to donate on a one-off basis or regularly, we will ensure we get to know you and your wishes and will dedicate time to meetings to answer any questions you may have of any of the Senior Management Team.

We will provide you with updates and invitations to the hospice, as and when you would like them, and will ensure your experience as a Longfield major donor is rewarding.

Get in touch

To discuss your initial needs please contact Louise Cook,  Head of Fundraising on [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you and developing a long term and mutually rewarding relationship for the benefit of our patents and families.

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