Mindsong Music Therapy (P/F&L/C)

Mindsong Music Therapy is a therapeutic approach for individuals of all ages and abilities that provides an opportunity to enhance physical & emotional wellbeing; particularly for those living with a life-limiting condition. Music is a powerful medium for expression that does not rely on words, providing a valuable opportunity for individuals to communicate and connect to memories. The bond of singing together can help reduce feelings of isolation & boost your overall quality of life  

Each session is client-led and carefully tailored to meet individual needs. Music therapists use a blend of familiar songs and improvisation to create a shared musical experience. A significant aspect of these sessions is the balance between musical engagement and extended periods for reflection and conversation enabling clients to create a unique musical language to explore and express themselves.

Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, reflect on their emotions, and support one another. This combination of music and dialogue creates a space where profound conversations can occur, often punctuated by moments of shared laughter.

What the sessions are like

All Mindsong sessions begin with a soft start where participants can enjoy a hot drink and take their time to settle in. Once everyone is comfortable the session moves into an hour or more of musical activities, featuring familiar songs, tuned and untuned percussion, and opportunities for improvisation with a variety of instruments to choose from, no prior musical skill or experience is necessary—just a willingness to participate.

The sessions are conducted in a group setting, inviting individuals to explore making music together. Group sessions also offer opportunities for individuals to connect with others in similar situations. These interactions can often lead to the development of friendships and informal support networks which are beneficial for emotional, mental, physical, social, and cognitive wellbeing.

The therapeutic environment is designed to be safe and confidential, allowing participants to use the space in ways that best suit their needs. The relationship between the music therapist and the client is central to the success of the sessions and supports each individual’s development – at their own pace. The peaceful setting offers beautiful surroundings and opportunities for informal chats and refreshments, fostering a sense of community.

What past participants and program leads have to say

“Lovely informal session. I felt relaxed, not judged, and able to release the many emotions I had locked away, through making music with the group. The knot has gone in my stomach. Thank you.”

“Friendships have blossomed, and many participants have expressed a sense of relief and upliftment from engaging in these gentle, yet stimulating, musical activities.”

“Mindsong Music Therapy sessions provide a compassionate, inclusive space where everyone has the opportunity to respond to music and experience its profound benefits”

Another participant, a patient with lung cancer, reflected that “attending the sessions was worth the effort, as it helped me with my breathing in the days following”.

Our Mindsong Music Therapy sessions would not be possible without the support of the Gloucestershire Community Foundation & Hitchins Family Trust.

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