Get to know Mary Meredith – Our volunteers are just like you, anyone can volunteer!

Mary Meredith, 85

Five minutes with Mary, a volunteer

Mary started volunteering at Longfield in 2017 after her husband died. She works a day a week with our finance team, but is happy to help out wherever she’s needed. Thank you Mary, we think you’re wonderful!

Question for Mary

Most remote place you’ve ever travelled?

To Antarctica on a cruise trip. The icebergs were fantastic – some were blue inside. It was magical.  We had to walk around penguins that were sitting on their eggs and we saw seals and sea lions. The highlight was getting in a Jacuzzi at 10pm when the temperature outside was minus 20!

What are you most proud of?

Nothing would have stopped me looking after my husband when he was ill. I’m so pleased that I looked after him for all those years. It’s definitely my biggest achievement in life.

Greatest strength.

Patience. Apart from when I’m driving!

Make us laugh

You know you’re old when your dustbins go out more than you do!

Who would you choose to be?

I have enough trouble being me, thank you very much!

Favourite biscuit?

Dark chocolate hobnobs.

Tell us a secret.

I share a birthday with Helen Mirren, Bernard Shaw and Mick Jagger.

What do you most enjoy about volunteering for Longfield?

The people. You are a lovely bunch. I enjoy the laughs and exchanging news.

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