Carers UK estimates there are 3.34 million women in the UK who are unpaid carers. This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the awe-inspiring women in Gloucestershire caring for ill or disabled family and friends. We see you, we value you, and we’re here for you. Find out more about our free wellbeing sessions for unpaid carers, here.

“We made a promise to Gill.”
Jo, Jonquil and Yvonne from Painswick cared for their friend and neighbour Gill, who had Lewy body dementia, arthritis and Parkinson’s disease. Gill’s husband died many years ago and Gill, a retired teacher, lived alone until her condition deteriorated and she needed 24-hour care. For more than eight years, Jo, Jonquil and Yvonne, took it in turns to visit Gill, shop for her, manage her bills, and provide endless support and comfort when Gill was feeling anxious, disorientated and frightened – common symptoms of dementia. Their visits also allowed Gill’s 24-hour paid carer to take a break.

“We promised Gill we would be there for her,” says Jonquil. “She didn’t want to go into a care home or get stuck in hospital.” With support from our Hospice at Home team, Gill’s friends honoured her final wish – to die at home.

Thank you to Jo, Jonquil and Yvonne for sharing this incredible story of friendship, love and commitment.

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