David from Stroud, remembered by his daughter Anna

My Dad, David, was sociable, generous and unflinchingly positive. He loved rugby and played piano in a local band. In another life, he would have been a rock and roll star! He was proud of his seven kids and cheered us on, whatever we chose to do.

Dad was diagnosed with liver disease in 2020, during lockdown. He spent weeks in hospital unable to see anyone and tried to ‘break out’ on multiple occasions. Once, attempting to buy a mobility scooter online so he could get home! The hospital wouldn’t discharge Dad until we had care in place. Thankfully, we were referred to Longfield’s Hospice at Home team.

The carers came three times a day, every day, so we never felt alone. They focused on Dad as a human being with a personality and pride – not as a patient. I describe Longfield as an anchor in the stormy seas we were navigating at that difficult and emotional time.

Nights were hardest. Dad had coughing fits and problems swallowing and Mum was exhausted. In the week before he died, Longfield offered overnight care so Mum could rest knowing Dad was in safe hands.

The night Dad died, the Longfield carer woke us up. We gathered around his bed, holding hands and surrounding Dad with love. Afterwards, we popped some champagne and sang ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow’ – Dad would have heartily approved.

At Longfield, our specialist nurses and healthcare assistants work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, delivering free and expert hospice care in the comfort of people’s homes. We want to raise £30,000 to provide 450 hours of hospice care in homes across Gloucestershire. Help us reach our target by donating today!

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