Terms of Service

Longfield is committed to protecting your information when you become a supporter, make a donation, attend an event or support one of our campaigns.

These terms apply to anyone visiting any Longfield website and everyone using any of our online products and services.

Please take the time to read these terms and conditions because you should not use our website unless you agree to these general terms and our privacy policy. If you have any questions, then please contact our office and one of our team will be happy to help you.


We take the security of personal information very seriously and support the Government measures to help ensure the law provides you with adequate protection.

So we can provide a high level of service, it is important for us to understand how our visitors use our websites, and so we will collect information about you. We will always act reasonably and in accordance with our privacy policy. Please take the time to read these policies so you understand exactly what information we collect and why.


Accurate information: We will aim to ensure that all the information provided on our website is accurate and up to date.

Availability: We will aim to ensure our website is always available, but there may be times when, unfortunately, it will not be. We will try and keep any periods when our website is unavailable to a minimum.

Accessibility: We will try to ensure our website is accessible to everyone visiting our website. If you are having problems accessing the website, then please contact our office to see what we can do to help. Please see our section on accessibility which will provide you with useful information to help you have the best opportunity to utilize our website.


  • Please make sure you’re happy that any sites you link to from our websites are appropriate for you as we do not endorse that organisation and we have no control over the content of that website or how that site or organisation operates.
  • Please ensure any content you print, copy or download from our websites is for your personal use only. You must not use or encourage others to use our website (or its content) for their or your commercial gain or in a way that could damage the reputation of Longfield.
  • Please download content carefully because you will be responsible for any damage to your computer system that may result.
  • You must not do anything to damage or disrupt our website and you must not use our website in a way that may cause a nuisance to others.

We encourage you to link to any of our web pages, providing you do so responsibly. This means that:

  • If we ask you to remove or change a link to our websites, you do so as soon as possible.
  • You do not create the impression that there is any association, approval or endorsement with or by us.
  • You must ensure any links are used in a fair and reasonable manner and that their use will not damage our reputation or take unfair advantage of it (commercially or otherwise).
  • Unless you obtain our express permission, you must not include more than 10 links to our website on any one of your web pages.
  • The website you are linking from must not contain offensive, obscene or defamatory material, and must not infringe anyone’s copyright, trademarks or other similar rights.
  • If anyone clicks on the link you provide to our websites, it must open our website in a new page and not within a frame on your website.


What happens if things go wrong? Given the nature of websites and the wide range of information and services we provide, it’s possible that every now and again things may not go as planned. If we make a mistake, rest assured we will do our best to put things right as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to compensate you for any loss you may suffer as a result of:

  • Any mistake we make with the content on our website;
  • Any parts of our websites being unavailable or inaccessible;
  • Your use of any organisation’s website that you can access from our websites (including any purchase from that organisation and any use they make of the personal data you provide to them);
  • The downloading of any material from our website; and
  • We do not, of course, exclude any liability we may have in the unlikely event we have been fraudulent or if we are negligent and as a result we cause your death or personal injury, whether in connection with these general terms and conditions.


You agree to compensate us for any loss that we suffer as a result of your failure to comply with our general terms and conditions.

If anyone complains about your use of our website or the content you add to our websites, you agree that we can control the handling of any such dispute and that you will fully support and co-operate with this.

Longfield may vary any of its terms at any time, although we will only make changes if we think these are either necessary or reasonable. Please make sure you check our terms and conditions on our homepage regularly for any announcements. The changed terms will normally take effect immediately upon publication, although where we think the changes are likely to be important to you, we shall always tell you in advance so you can decide whether to continue using our websites.

English law shall apply to all our terms and conditions and any disputes must be heard in an English Court. Nothing in any of terms and conditions affect your legal rights.

By using this website you agree to accept our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

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