Quality Standards

Our aim is to provide good quality care and support for our patients, carers and their families. As part of our philosophy, we look at everything from the environment to staffing, and from user engagement to learning.

To help us maintain our high standards of care, we’re always interested to hear from our patients and families about their experience of our service. Your feedback can help us to improve all aspects of our care and service users will be given a questionnaire to complete regarding their experience, the results of which are collated by an external provider before they are returned to us.

We also welcome feedback about our education, retail and fundraising activities. Your comments show us what we need to change as well as what’s working well.

We ask all our patients and their carers to tell us about their experiences of using our services.

Whilst we often hear how well the service works, it is vital that we know when it doesn’t meet your expectations or could be further improved. Please give us your feedback: you can do this by talking to a member of staff, completing the feedback forms found throughout our centre, or using contact us.


The Care Quality Commission is an independent organisation that monitors, inspects and regulates the care we provide against nationally agreed standards. Their reports provide an external validation of the quality of our services. You can read the reports from our latest CQC inspections on the Care Quality Commission website.


We publish an Annual Report to provide you with information on how we are providing care for our patients and their families, as well as on our finances.


Ensuring that all our staff and volunteers have appropriate skills to care for the people we support is key to the delivery of a quality service.

All staff and volunteers take part in a range of mandatory and specific training courses depending on their roles and responsibilities. To help staff learn and develop, we also monitor their skills and experience using a range of competency tools.


View a selection of testimonials from patients and carers who have experienced first-hand the quality of our services. 

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