Our Vision and Mission

Longfield supports adults in Gloucestershire who are living with a life-limiting illness by: 

  • Providing free specialist care, support and advice from diagnosis to the end of life and bereavement 
  • Enabling people to live well and die in their place of choice 
  • Supporting families and carers 
  • Sharing our specialist knowledge with others 

Our Key Messages

Who we are

Longfield is a local charity providing palliative and end of life care and support 365 days a year to adults living in Gloucestershire, their families and carers. 

What we do

We offer a wide range of services providing care and support for people living with or affected by a life limiting illness.

How we do it

Our services support patients, families and carers from the point of diagnosis onwards. This includes day therapy, counselling, education and a range of outpatient services. Care at end of life is provided by our Hospice at Home service. We continue to care for family members and loved ones after death through our bereavement support programme. 

Our Vision for the Future…

Everyone touched by life-limiting illness has free care and support to live well, from diagnosis to the end of life. 

In order to contribute towards achieving this long-term vision, we will continue to develop and deliver our services so they are tailored to the changing needs of people with life-limiting illnesses, their families and carers. We will do this in partnership with the NHS, other health and social care providers, the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Longfield Hospice recognises it can achieve more in collaboration with others than on its own.

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