What happens to your home, possessions and savings if you die without making a will? Many people assume that their spouse or partner will automatically inherit everything, but that’s not necessarily the case. The laws of intestacy (where there is no legal will) will take over, and this may cause your loved ones severe financial and emotional distress.

It’s not easy to talk about what happens when we die, but making a will can ease the burden on your family and friends when the time comes.

Longfield Community Hospice has teamed up with three local solicitors to offer a will-writing service during September. Rather than pay legal fees, for a donation of £90 for a single basic will, or £160 for a pair of basic ‘mirror’ wills, you can get expert advice and support to make a legal will. 100% of your donation will go to Longfield.

“We’d like to say a huge thank you to the solicitors for giving their time and expertise for free,” said Louise Cook, Head of Fundraising and Marketing. “This generous gift will make a big impact; allowing us to care for more terminally ill people and their families when they need it the most.”

“You don’t have to leave a gift in your will to Longfield, but we’d be very grateful if you do. Legacies help to fund our Hospice at Home service, enabling people to die with dignity in the comfort of their own homes.”

All appointments are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Book your appointment for September and make your donation now as places are limited.

To find out more about the Write a Will scheme, visit www.longfield.org.uk/write-a-will or call the team on 01453 886868.

For tickets, visit https://longfield.org.uk/event/summer-ball/

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