More to us than meets the eye: Longfield Community Hospice holding its first ever career and jobs fair
If you are a school-leaver, jobseekers, recent graduate, an experience professional or someone seeking a change of direction than why not come and see what potential job roles Longfield has as we host our first-ever careers fair.

Longfield Hospice will be holding the fair at its hospice site at Burleigh Lane Minchinhampton GL5 2PQ on Thursday 18th April 2024 from 5.30pm – 7.30pm.

While the hospice provides palliative care with its ‘hospice at home’ nurses, its wellbeing and counselling services, there are many other roles, which enable the charity to run day-to-day.
“There are lots of different jobs here at the hospice, but we are one team,” said CEO Clare Davis.

“Some of the jobs are what you would expect; all our staff are incredibly dedicated and compassionate from our nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and counsellors. But we have roles that people may not expect. We have HR, retail and finance which are vital to our service delivery.

We hope that the careers and jobs fair will show there is more to us than meets the eye – and we are on the lookout for people to join us.

Anyone is welcome to come along – they don’t have to make an appointment; they can just turn up on the day. We will have people from all areas of the hospice on hand to have a chat with anyone who is interested.

Our primary purpose is to give outstanding compassionate care to those living with a life limiting condition. But we are also a complex organisation which needs a whole range of solid professionals to support that care. Working here at Longfield is so rewarding. We support and care for local people, free of charge, when they are facing the bleakest of times. And each one of our employees makes a difference. There is enormous job satisfaction.”

For more information about the careers event email [email protected] and visit our job page.

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