This #InternationalWomensDay, we wanted to give recognition to three women who are all coping with grief in different ways.

Cilla writes to cope with grief and has attended our Writing through Grief workshops.

“Writing about it lets go of these terrible deep feelings that you have that you can’t necessarily express.”

Charlotte runs to cope with grief, running the London Marathon in memory of her Dad.

“Running the London marathon was my tribute to dad. I call it our last hurrah, our last jolly together.”

Sophie games to cope with grief and has taken part in a 24hr gaming live stream to fundraise in memory of her Nan and Uncle.

“It will be 10 years ago my Nan passed away from Gallbladder Cancer on the 22nd of February, so this stream will be in memory of her. I would always try and explain zombie films and the concept of the ‘undead’ to her, but she would never understand”.

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